Team #8280 – FIRST Robotics
FIRST Robotics Participation Handbook
The Team Handbook is intended to provide you and your family with information about the program and your responsibilities as a team member and parent. Please read it carefully and discuss the information with your parents/guardians.
FIRST® For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology is the world’s premier high school robotics program. The FIRST mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.
Criteria for Membership on Team 8280
- Members must maintain academic eligibility. Marygrove and K9.0 rules require that all team members maintain good academic standing, and a GPA of 2.5. Members must be aware that falling into Academic Probation will mandate a loss of eligibility to be on the team.
- Members attend meetings during non-build season whenever possible, a majority of the build sessions during build season, and team functions as necessary. Establishing a record of dependability and punctuality is essential for team organization and efficiency.
- An attendance rate of 60% is required during the normal build season.
- Team members are expected to be engaged and active during sessions.
- Members must pay attention to team communications to remain up to date. The season moves quickly, and it’s necessary to communicate with team members and coaches in order to meet our goals. Primary methods of team communications are DISCORD followed by email as a secondary channel. Students that can’t make a practice or event should communicate that status with the team mentors or leads in advance when possible.
- Members Must Demonstrate Appropriate Character/Behavior. All members of Team 8280 rely on each other for the success of the group. Everyone is expected to bring the best of his/her abilities to the group. The competitions are mentally and physically demanding, time consuming and expensive; all involved should behave as motivated young adults with integrity and the greatest regard for others. Team members are representing 8280, Marygrove, and the City of Detroit at all times.
- Do your best to complete tasks quickly and efficiently.
- At events, team members’ behavior is a direct reflection on the character of our team, school, community, state, and sometimes even our nation. A judge or member of another team may overhear comments and criticisms. The team standard for discussion is high: respecting each other and competitors is always essential. Within the team, conflicts may arise because of the close nature of team projects and travel. All team participants should stay positive and constructive, refraining from rumors and negative comments about one another. If a problem arises, a member should speak to a mentor immediately. Physical conflict is not allowed. If a physical confrontation arises, both members may be disciplined up to and including termination of membership.
- All members will demonstrate tolerance at all times. This includes but is not limited to race, cultures, religions, and sexual orientation. Slurs of any type are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the N-Word.
- All members will stand respectfully during the national anthem at all events.
- Team members will clean up after themselves at events. Examples include maintaining our lunch and pits.
- Team members will respect tools and equipment at all times.
- Team members will refrain from using tools they haven’t been trained to use.
- All members participate in keeping the work areas clean and organized as they work, and at the close of each workday. This is critical for safety and shows respect for the fact that this is space donated to us. It is respectful to our mentors to own the responsibility of keeping the workspace clean.
- Public Displays of Affection – In order to reflect a professional demeanor, handholding, hugging, kissing and other expressions of affection are prohibited during team meetings, build sessions, competitions, and trips. The couple must also always travel in a group. Couples may not wander off or sit alone. In other words, they should not appear as a couple but as part of the team. Common sense should always prevail. Couples are also prohibited from working together on the same sub-team.
- Respect the chain of command and follow instructions and expectations. Mentors should not have to repeat themselves when issuing orders.
- When related to tasks that affect the team – Team leads are speaking with the authority of the team mentors and should be respected as such.
K9.0 establishes the following priorities for our team at all times.
1. Health, Teammates, and Family – The well being of individuals, team mates, and their families will always come first.
3. Academics – Your education is a priority, robotics will always come second to the completion of any and all school work
4. Robot and Competition – The robot and our competitive season will always come after health and academics.
Expectations of Team Members
- Attend 60% of work sessions’ advise the appropriate leader of absences.
- Fulfill your assigned responsibilities.
- Be present at and participate appropriately. Tik Tok and Instagram are not team priorities
- Have an average of 10-12 hours a week
- Listen for understanding; be willing to be influenced.
- Represent your ideas and opinions respectfully.
- Treat others with respect.
- Value ideas and opinions of others and seek to understand other perspectives.
- Support the decisions of the Team.
- Read and sign the Handbook
- Live our Values
- Have Fun!
Members should demonstrate the following attributes:
- Good Judgment and Positive Behavior: Each team member is an ambassador of our team, school, and sponsors to the rest of our school(s) and the community at large. Team members are role models for other members to emulate and respect. Mature behavior, including dedication, competence, patience, and leadership, should be demonstrated both in and out of school activities.
- Ability to Commit to a Project: Starting a project and following it through to the end is critical to team success. Team members need to dedicate themselves and not get side tracked or discouraged. Your word is very important. Don’t take on a responsibility you can’t perform. Ask for help if you are having problems with a project.
- Ability to Work Both Independently and as a Team Member:Being able to be a team player, or doing what is needed for the team, is an asset to all. However, working independently when necessary shows dedication and willingness to learn.
- Demonstration of Honesty and Integrity:Honesty and integrity are foundational attributes of a quality person. Our teamwork depends on the integrity of its members the way a robot depends on the integrity of its parts. Integrity includes knowing what a person believes in as well as leading in word and deed.
- Time to Spend on Activities:This team requires many hours of a member’s time. Careful planning and scheduling are required to stay actively involved.
- Respect for the Work Areas:All members participate in keeping the work areas clean and organized as they work, and at the close of each workday. This is critical for safety and shows respect for the fact that this is space donated to us. It is respectful to our mentors to own the responsibility of keeping the workspace clean.
- Appropriate attire: Proper clothing should be worn for safety purposes and out of respect for team participation.
- Appropriate focus:As membership on a robotics team involves a great investment of energy, skill, money, thought, cooperation, and time from people at so many levels, team members should participate with good focus. Attention to the task at hand is essential for safety and success in our goals. At events and in the workshop, members should avoid distractions that can compromise both team goals and opportunities for personal growth in the field of technology.
The mentors are not here to be disciplinarians. Occasionally, our members may act in a manner that is not in accordance with our values. MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO ADHERE TO THE REASONABLE REQUESTS OF THE RESPONSIBLE ADULT PRESENT. If a member or mentors action/behavior is deemed to be detrimental to the team by someone on the team, the expectation is that these actions be brought to the attention of the mentors and the parent/guardian as soon as possible.
- Verbal Warning
- Documented Conference of Concern including Corrective Action Plan
- Suspension
- Dismissal
K9.0 ROBOTICS reserves the right skip intervention steps up to dismissal of a student or mentor, should the situation require this to be the appropriate level of action. K9.0 ROBOTICS team mentors and the parents will be allowed to be present should the mentors need to speak with the member concerning actions/behaviors deemed detrimental to the team.